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Features / call recording

The call recording service for your business

Never Miss a Detail - Elevate Your Business Communication with CircleLoop's Call Recording. Record, Transcribe, and Analyze Your Calls for Better Insights and Improved Customer Service.

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Call recording apps for desktop and mobile

CircleLoop gives you professional call recording across our Mac & Windows desktop apps and iOS & Android smartphone apps. So no matter where you’re working, your call recording works too. You access all of our features as soon as you’ve signed up and downloaded our app.

You control when you want your calls recording and then you can play back, download or even share the files. Perfect for staff training and quality control, and without the extra costs often imposed by other providers.

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call recording

Improve call quality and train your teams

Recording your calls lets you keep on top of your call quality. Not only that, but you can use recorded calls to train and develop your team. Use best in class calls from your sales team or customer service to teach new hires better skills. Or use them to highlight any areas that need improvement across your whole company.

Phone recording lets you work on improving your call centres, sales teams and any part of the business that spends time on the phone. As CircleLoop integrates with the best CRM and helpdesk tools on the market, you can record any call you make within those systems.

Call analysis to take your other tools even further

Analytics gives you a top down view of every call that’s made to or from a CircleLoop number, even if it’s through your other platforms.

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Never make notes again

Record conference calls and meetings

Our call recording software can be set up for individual calls or be activated for your entire account. If you use CircleLoop for meetings or run conference calls regularly, you can record those too.

Absolutely any phone call made using CircleLoop can be recorded, so you don’t have to worry about making meeting notes again.

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call analytics

Stay in control

As a CircleLoop admin, you control when calls are recorded across all of your users, and you can listen back, share and download recordings directly from the powerful Caller Analytics panel, giving you quick and easy access to key client contacts - no more disruption for the rest of your team.


Empower your call recording with our killer features

Click To Call

Nutzen Sie unsere Chrome-, Firefox- und Edge-Erweiterungen, um mit nur einem Klick eine Nummer anzurufen


Jede beliebige Telefonnummer ist sofort live und einsatzbereit

Individuell Angepasster Anrufbeantworter

Persönliche Ansagen für Benutzer und Teams, Kontrolle über die Verzögerungszeit bei der Weiterleitung von Anrufen

Voicemail als Text

Lassen Sie sich Ihre Nachrichten auf der Mailbox einfach als Text via SMS oder E-Mail senden.

Clip no Screening

Wählen Sie die Rufnummer, von der aus Sie anrufen möchten.

Team Ringing-Funktion

Erstellen Sie verschiedene Teams und leiten Sie eingehende Anrufe direkt an die richtigen Personen weiter.


Eingehende Anrufe nach Nummer, Benutzer oder Team verwalten

Weiterleitung von Anrufen

Leiten Sie eingehende Anrufe an Mobiltelefone oder andere Festnetznummern weiter

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Who we are

What is CircleLoop?

At CircleLoop, as a next generation cloud-based phone system, we have thousands of virtual mobile numbers available, so you can quickly scale up your existing business phone system delivered in an easy to use self-service app.

With simple and powerful apps, say goodbye to business mobiles, complexity, contracts and phone-related hassle. With an app that works for windows, android, iOS and on Mac, we’ve got all bases covered.

Do You Have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions about Virtual Numbers

Take a look at the most frequently asked questions and don't hesitate to contact us if you need further assistance

Is call recording legal in the UK?

It is legal to record calls in the UK, as long as you follow the regulations in place. These include requiring consent and informing the customer that you will be recording. You must also store recordings securely and make them available on request.

How do you record a phone call?

It’s as simple as turning it on in the call settings menu in our app. For full instructions check out ‘setting up call recording’.

Can I get a copy of a recorded call?

All calls can be downloaded as .mp3 files from within the app. This can be done next to a recent call or within a user’s call history.

Can I record meetings?

Yes, you can record meetings if they are made using CircleLoop.

Can I record conference calls?

Yes, you can record any conference calls you make using CircleLoop’s conference call feature.

How are call recordings stored?

Recordings are stored securely by CircleLoop for twelve months.

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